Friday, April 16, 2010

A World Heritage Site in Singapore

Hi Gentlemen,

A little background information for you, the United Nations have a body called United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that is would "recognize" heritage sites.

This article is about Singapore application to have a world heritage site in Singapore and the Botanical Gardens are cited as a possible candidate. Click on the link here.

Ask yourself

On the Geography side....

  • Why it is important to have a "recognized" heritage site?
  • What are the implications on tourism? (Will having a heritage site bring in more visitors? Why?)

On the History Side...

  • What is heritage?
  • Can anyone really define and classify "heritage". Do government bodies define heritage or does societies define heritage?
On the Social Studies Side...

  • Can conflict occur due to "claims of heritage"?
  • Can you use your knowledge of conflict in Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka to come up with an explanation of why conflict occurred between Thailand and Cambodia over a couple of temples on a disputed border?
Feel free to comment :)

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