Dear Marists,
Welcome to Maris Stella’s HuMania Blog.
It's only fitting that this 1st post is devoted to the profiles of the MANIACS of HuMania.
Mrs. Tan-Chin Yih Min - Head of the Pack
Teaches Social Studies & History
Age: Unconfirmed. Rumour has it that she is.... 49?!?!
Claims she has undergone plastic surgery and goes for regular Botox jabs
Warning: Don't believe everything she tells you in class. Heheheh!
Mr. Edmund Goy - Assistant Head of the Pack
Teaches GeographyA.k.a. Goyster
His coolest possessions in staff room - his iPod
Mr. Jeremy Wong
Teaches Social Studies & History
Calls himself the Emperor & asks that he be called Emperor (sometimes we humour him)
Self proclaimedex underwear model
Tries to beat the rising inflation by cycling to school in a bicycle the cost of which, btw, is the equivalent of a few years' ride on public transport
So much for going green :)
Mr. Kwok Weng Yee (alias: Paul Ramone)
Teaches History (& now English too!)
Aim in this life: To join a punk band and go on world tour
Previous life: (Claims to be) a member of a punk band which went on world tour
Favourite time of the day: Morning assembly :)
Ms. Vanessa Tan
Teaches History & Social Studies
Drinks too much coffee (at least according to some Maniacs' standard)
Standard 'Accessory': Flask of coffee
WARNING: suffers from withdrawal symptoms should coffee intake be cut e.g. screaming at you, my dear friends!:) So never in any circumstance deprive her of coffee!
Was placed under surveillance by department to ensure she does not drink too much coffee or consume junk food that would elevate her cholesterol level (surveillance has failed!)
Ms. Yvonne Chin
Teaches History and Social Studies
Loves to tell ghost stories
Have a wacky (read: warped) sense of humour
Ms. Foo Moo Peck
Teaches Geography
Fattens the maniacs up with breakfast (yay!)
The one who remembers all the maniacs' birthdays & who buys birthday presents on behalf of the maniacs
Mr. Low Tung Mun
Teaches Geography & Social Studies
Department's walking encyclopedia
Favourite animal: The Panda...

Dreamworks Pictures 2008
Ms. Joanna Lee
Teaches Geography & Social Studies
Loves shopping, shopping, and more shopping…
Secret Ambition (not so secret now): To be a Make-up artist
Mrs. Mandy Tan-Goh
Teaches Geography
Loves to travel
Mr. Omar Chen
Teaches History
One of the few real-life archaelogists in Singapore. (say 'Woooowwwwwwww')
You don't mess withthe Zohan Mr. Omar: his eyes (glare) and arms (muscles) say it all
Welcome to Maris Stella’s HuMania Blog.
It's only fitting that this 1st post is devoted to the profiles of the MANIACS of HuMania.
Mrs. Tan-Chin Yih Min - Head of the Pack
Teaches Social Studies & History
Age: Unconfirmed. Rumour has it that she is.... 49?!?!
Claims she has undergone plastic surgery and goes for regular Botox jabs
Warning: Don't believe everything she tells you in class. Heheheh!
Mr. Edmund Goy - Assistant Head of the Pack
Teaches GeographyA.k.a. Goyster
His coolest possessions in staff room - his iPod
Mr. Jeremy Wong
Teaches Social Studies & History
Calls himself the Emperor & asks that he be called Emperor (sometimes we humour him)
Self proclaimed
Tries to beat the rising inflation by cycling to school in a bicycle the cost of which, btw, is the equivalent of a few years' ride on public transport
So much for going green :)
Mr. Kwok Weng Yee (alias: Paul Ramone)
Teaches History (& now English too!)
Aim in this life: To join a punk band and go on world tour
Previous life: (Claims to be) a member of a punk band which went on world tour
Favourite time of the day: Morning assembly :)
Ms. Vanessa Tan
Teaches History & Social Studies
Drinks too much coffee (at least according to some Maniacs' standard)
Standard 'Accessory': Flask of coffee
WARNING: suffers from withdrawal symptoms should coffee intake be cut e.g. screaming at you, my dear friends!:) So never in any circumstance deprive her of coffee!
Was placed under surveillance by department to ensure she does not drink too much coffee or consume junk food that would elevate her cholesterol level (surveillance has failed!)
Ms. Yvonne Chin
Teaches History and Social Studies
Loves to tell ghost stories
Have a wacky (read: warped) sense of humour
Ms. Foo Moo Peck
Teaches Geography
Fattens the maniacs up with breakfast (yay!)
The one who remembers all the maniacs' birthdays & who buys birthday presents on behalf of the maniacs
Mr. Low Tung Mun
Teaches Geography & Social Studies
Department's walking encyclopedia
Favourite animal: The Panda...

Dreamworks Pictures 2008
Ms. Joanna Lee
Teaches Geography & Social Studies
Loves shopping, shopping, and more shopping…
Secret Ambition (not so secret now): To be a Make-up artist
Mrs. Mandy Tan-Goh
Teaches Geography
Loves to travel
Mr. Omar Chen
Teaches History
One of the few real-life archaelogists in Singapore. (say 'Woooowwwwwwww')
You don't mess with
I think MSHS has the best Humans department in Singapore! Especially with great teachers like Mr. J Wong & Mr. Low. Not forgetting to mention Mr Kwok too.
Hello there Maniacs,
This is a pleasant initiative by the seemingly very free and bored MSHS Humanities Dept. to start this blog.
Heh, its nice to see a more humorous side of the humanities teachers here, might let us students 'connect' with you teachers.
My thoughts, cya guys next time!
P.S This blog needs a tagboard =)
Kua Jing Han
Thanks for your vote of confidence for the department. :)
Jing Han,
Heh we are a bit bored but DEFINITELY NOT free :) We are busy preparing notes for your guys okie. Anyway, we decided not to have a tagboard because we happen to be control freaks and tend to want to control what appears on the blog.
Riddle: Which humans teacher would do a ballerina cum shake backside dance in class? Trust me, it has been done before.
Hmm, cool. Mr kwok now teaches English?
archaeologists is spelt wrongly. You miss out the letter 'o' Pensive. :D
HAHA some of the profiles are so funny. Mr. Chen really looks so fierce because of his eyes, he always glare at you with that kind of serious look. And his muscles... Very Often i see him running 2.4! (the route that we run during P.E.) or he trains after school. hmmm. I wonder if he cuts his hair every week cos its always so short.
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