Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3C History Students' e-Learning Homework

THE MAIN QUESTION: Is this a fair explanation for the failure of the League of Nations?

Here are some issues to help you interpret the cartoon:

  • What does the bridge represent?
  • What is the missing brick of the bridge?
  • What is the effect of the missing brick on the overall strength of the bridge?
  • From what you have learnt in class, is this the only reason for the failure of the League of Nations? So, does the cartoon provide a fair explanation of the League of Nations? Please explain your answer.

To submit your answers, please click 'Comment' and type your answer in the Comment Box. You MUST write your name, class, and index number at the end of your answer before submitting it.


lUCiuS said...

The bridge represent the collaboration of the countries who are involved in the league of nations. The bridge also represent the strong ties, on how the countries are from together as one to show cooperation and collaboration. The missing brick in the bridge is USA. USA contributed alot of ideas to the league of nations but strangely, they did not choose to join the league, without them joining the league, the overall strength in the league dropped as USA was a very big country with a strong economy and military force. No this does is not the main reason why the League of nations failed. It failed also partly due to factors like Disarmament - countries did not want to disarm themselves in fear of being attacked. The league was also unable to solve some conflicts and therefore, it failed to uphold it's main purpose - solving conflicts and disputes peacefully

Lucius Peng (16)
3 Charles

Anonymous said...

May I know a rough gauge of how much must we post to fully answer the question given? Full form like an essay or in point form? ._.?

Anonymous said...

No, this isn't a fair explanation for the failure of the League of Nations.
This cartoon shows America's refusal in joining hands with the League of Nations. Without America, the League of Nations' members' relationships dwindled. However, it isn't fair to say that this cause the League of Nations to fail.
There were other factors like, failure to maintain International World Peace, improve people's welfare.
Hence, America's participation wasn't that significant in the failure of the League of Nations.

P.S. Ms Tan, I'm the first to comment sia ! :] Hardworking uh !

-Jurado (8) ; 3c.

elephant. said...

This bridge represents the League Of Nations. The missing part of the bridge is the keystone, which is represented by USA. The keystone is the most important part of the bride, the part which keeps it from falling. Without the keystone, in this case, USA, the League Of Nations will be very weak. However, this is not the only reason for the failure of the League Of Nations,in fact, USA does not have a part to play in it's failure. Hence, the cartoon does not provide a fair explaination of the failure of the League Of Nations.

Loo Say Keong(15) 3C

Anonymous said...

no, it is not a fair explanation of the failure of the league of nations.
even without USA taking part in the league of nations,the league also have stories of success, this shows that even without USA, the league of nations can still succeed in some parts. however, the overall failure of the league of nations is not solely based on the isolation of USA.
this cartoon shows that without USA, the whole league is very weak, and on the verge of collapse.
this is however not true and not being fair to the league of nations as there are many other reasons for their failure.
the main reasons for the league's failure is that many of the league's members go against the rule of the league and hence, causing the fall of the league of nations.
Nicholas Tan Rui Hao 18

Anonymous said...

Yes. Although USA did not join the league of Nations, The league was very successful in dealing with the 3 aims of The League Of Nation. Which is to Maintain International Peace, by settling disputes in a peaceful manner. The League Of Nation was concerned about Disarmament as one of the reason the war broke out is due to the escalating arm race in Europe. The last aim is Socio-Economic Improvements, which is created to improve the quality of lives of people in the world as World War 1 had devastated Europe Economically.
One Of The Failures Of The League Of Nation Is the Attitudes To The League. Main Members of the leagues saw the League Of Nation As A Place To Discuss Or Conduct Important meetings among Themselves. Although USA insisted On The League, but was not a member, Many Countries Think USA did not take the league Seriously as it did not join the league of nations and if USA did not take The League Of Nations Seriously, Why should They?
Another Reason Why The League Of Nations Fail Is Because Countries can Join Or Leave The League Of Nations easily. Nations Leave The League Of Nations Is Because They felt The League Of Nations was not helping them. They Also Left As The League Objected To Their Actions.
Another Reason Why The League Of Nations Fail is because of the difficulties in resolving Disputes. League Members could members could punish Other Members for not obeying The League Of Nations by Applying Sanctions. They Could Also Ask members To contribute Troops To An International Fighting Force to Go To war To keep Peace. However, Many Nations were Unwilling To Do So. This Became More and More of an Issue as Authoritarian regimes Wanted to Expand Their Lands By Conquest. As Nations Became More Certain that The League Of Nations Would Not Resort To Force, They Became Less Willing To Listen To The League.

Jet(12)3C Yu[Mi]Ko为你撑腰!!

Anonymous said...

Yes. Although USA did not join the league of Nations, The league was very successful in dealing with the 3 aims of The League Of Nation. Which is to Maintain International Peace, by settling disputes in a peaceful manner. The League Of Nation was concerned about Disarmament as one of the reason the war broke out is due to the escalating arm race in Europe. The last aim is Socio-Economic Improvements, which is created to improve the quality of lives of people in the world as World War 1 had devastated Europe Economically.
One Of The Failures Of The League Of Nation Is the Attitudes To The League. Main Members of the leagues saw the League Of Nation As A Place To Discuss Or Conduct Important meetings among Themselves. Although USA insisted On The League, but was not a member, Many Countries Think USA did not take the league Seriously as it did not join the league of nations and if USA did not take The League Of Nations Seriously, Why should They?
Another Reason Why The League Of Nations Fail Is Because Countries can Join Or Leave The League Of Nations easily. Nations Leave The League Of Nations Is Because They felt The League Of Nations was not helping them. They Also Left As The League Objected To Their Actions.
Another Reason Why The League Of Nations Fail is because of the difficulties in resolving Disputes. League Members could members could punish Other Members for not obeying The League Of Nations by Applying Sanctions. They Could Also Ask members To contribute Troops To An International Fighting Force to Go To war To keep Peace. However, Many Nations were Unwilling To Do So. This Became More and More of an Issue as Authoritarian regimes Wanted to Expand Their Lands By Conquest. As Nations Became More Certain that The League Of Nations Would Not Resort To Force, They Became Less Willing To Listen To The League.

Jet(12)3C YuMiKo

The Misanthrope said...

Oh no need to write an essay. Hmm point's fine with me. Just make sure there is sufficient analysis in your answer. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a fair explanation for the failure of the league of nations.The man smoking a cigar is Uncle Sam,who is often used to represent the USA.The piece of the bridge he is resting on is the keystone of the bridge.the keystone is the most important part of the bridge,the part that keeps it from falling.The USA was a key in the victory in WW1.USA is also one of the "Big three" which includes USA,Britain and France.Its reluctance to join the league of nations because of the adopted policy of isolationism is a reason as to why the league of nations failed.
Another explanation of why the league of nations failed was because countries were more interested to protect their interest than to ensure world peace.The league was created to allow states to submit disputes to the league which would than investigate and propose a peaceful settlement.If any state uses aggression,the League would act collectively as a group against the aggressor and impose sanctions and use military force against them.as countries were more interested in protecting their own interest,they were unwilling to sacrifice their army for reasons that may not concern them. Countries were not willing to impose sanctions on the aggressor as that would mean they could not sell goods to them thus not earning any money.Important goods were still sold to the aggressor and thus this is one of the reasons why the league failed.
The league lacked enforcement power.The league had no army and no police to enforce their decision and so they could not force members to accept its decision.The aggressor would not be scared of the league and would not consider the league decision as the league could only talk with no action.This is one explanation as to why the League of nations failed.

Vincent Loo(30) Class:3C

The Misanthrope said...

Jurado, you're 2nd. Lucius was 1st. But heheh it's okie :)

Jet, Nic Tan and Say Keong - thanks for early submission! :)

Anonymous said...


The bridge represents the Europeans countries. The man lying on the keystone is what last time used to represent USA (Uncle Sam). The keystone is always the most imporatant part of the bridge as the parts keeps it from falling. This shows that if the USA were not to be in the League of Nations, then it would be a great loss. It is also seen that the USA insisted themselves of not being a member of League of Nations. This is not the only reason for the failure of League of Nations. Therefore the cartoon cannot fully terll people of what really causes the failure of the League Of Nations.

Anonymous said...

No the source is not a fair explanation for the failure of the league of nations.
The bridge represents the league of nations, and the missing brick is USA, and this missing brick is the main piece of the bridge, without it, the bridge cannot be used.
Although the absence of USA was a factor on why the league of nations was a failure, there were also other factors that contributed to the failure of the league.
Therefore, the source is not a fair explanation for the failure of the league of nations.

Dylan Wong 3C (5)

Anonymous said...

Miss Tan, This is Zhi Hui. This blog got loads of post from the year before. This is making my whole computer to slow down or sometimes hang. I hope that this blog can cut dwon some of the post to prevent the computer from lagging as the internet is required to download all the post.

Anonymous said...

do we post here or where cos i'm not sure..-_-"

Blade0fIce said...

The bridge shown in the picture is the League of Nations. The keystone uncle sam is sitting on is required to make the bridge stable. the keystone represents america and since the president of america was the one who came up with the idea of the league, the USA's involvement is crucial to the success. however america decided not to join the league due to the people wanting to stay out of international affairs, they were already unhappy about the USA's involvement in WW1 even though america was not damaged during the war.

Though it is a major reason for the league's failure, it is not the only one. another major reason is the fact that many league members did not abide by the league's rule and regulations. many members including the major members like britan made secret deals and agreements which were agianst league policy.. The league members were unwilling to send military aid to other countries such as when japan invaded manchuria.thus japan was able to stay and occupy manchuria.

Anonymous said...

no, the bridge represent the league of nations and connecting the other countries.Usa. It weaken the league power. It was not the only reason as there were many other factors and the league unable to work out some problems. seow jiajun(21)3C

Anonymous said...

no, this is not a fair explanation.
this cartoon shows that the league of nations fall is because of USA not taking part. hence the whole league of nation's foundation is not strong. hence causing the league of nations fall, however we all know that this is not true as the main cause for the fall of the league of nations is because of their failure to meet their aims.
Loo Han Wei

Anonymous said...

The USA's reluctance to join the league of nations is not a fair explanation for the failure of the League Of Nations.In the photo given, the cartoonist who drew it represented the USA as a keystone in the bridge of the league of nations, and because the USA refused to join the league of nations, the bridge could not be finished and therefore, was a failure. However, the League of nations was a failure due to the fact that it was unable to maintain world peace. Take the invasion of Manchuria by the Japanese for example. In 1931, Japan invaded Manchuria and China appealed to the league for help. The league condemned Japan and ordered them to leave Manchuria, but the Japanese were angry with the league, and withdrew from the league and continued to occupy Manchuria. This was a failure as the league failed to stop aggression in its own members. Another example of why the league of nations failed was that it failed to achieve disarmament, one of the leagues main aims, as countries were too afraid to disarm in fear that other countries would attack them after they did disarm. Therefore, the USA's reluctance to join the League of nations is not a fair explanation as to why it was a failure, as the league had alone, failed to maintain world peace and stop aggression within even its own members, and it also failed to achieve the disarmament of the whole world. Therefore, i believe that even if the USA had joined the league, these incidents would have still occurred, and the league would still be a failure, and backing up my point that the USA's unwillingness to join the League Of Nations is not a fair explanation to the League's failure.
Shaun Tay(28) 3C

The Misanthrope said...

Hi Zhi Hui

Thanks for your feedback. I changed the settings. So now when you click on the homepage, no need to wait for a lot of posts to be loaded :)

The Misanthrope said...


How's the e-learning so far? Hope everything's going fine... Have fun!!! :)

Anonymous said...

.The bridge represents the League of Nations.
.The missing piece of the brick is USA.
.USA insisted on the League but was not a member. Therefore many other nations thought that if the USA did not take the League seriously, so can they.
.No this is not the only reason. Other reasons includes members not obeying League rules and continue doing the wrong things. Another reason is that the league is unable to resolve disputes among certain country. The cartoon does not provide a a fair explanation, as there are other factors that caused the fall of the League of Nations

Name:Soh Hua Xuan
Index number:24

Aloysius Liew said...

who is pensive ?
Alloy here .
can i have an example ?
cos i catch no balls about this .

Anonymous said...

Miss tan.this is Vincent,Did you get my work?I wrote a whole essay.

Anonymous said...

The League's membership was another big weakness of the League.It was started off by the USA but they themselves didn't joined the league.But German , Austria and Hungary were allowed to.Therefore it as never a Organisation of all nations.German felt that this was unfair and resented this along side with the Treaty of Versailles.It was also possible for people to join and leave the League quite easily.This meant that there was a constant shift of Member states and felt that the league weren't helping them.

Secondly , The League of Nations took over most of Germany's Old Colonies.It let a different members nations govern under the control of the league.The Countries that govern germany was not to treat Germany's old colony as their own.By 1939 , none if the areas governed under mandates were self_governing. So countries that had veen in favour of the League now turned against it , becaouse they felt it had let them down.

Lastly , The League's articles stressed the need for cooperation between nations.It expected nations to accept the League's Decisions in Disputes.League members could punish other members for not obeying the League by Applying Sanctions.The leagus also could ask members to contribute troops to an international fighting force to go to war to keep peace. However , they were very unwilling to do so.This became more and more of an issue as authoritarian regimes wanterd to expand their lands by conquest.But as they became more certian that the League would not resort to force , they became less willing to listen to the League.

Quek Jun Jie (19)

Aloysius Liew said...

Aloysius (11) 3C
Yes .
they created the League of nations but do not want to join it . Thus not being a good role model to those nations that are in . USA did not want to join but other countries like germany , austria and hungary weren't allowed to join .

Nick said...

No,in my opinion,this is not a fair explanation of the failure of the League of Nations.

The failure of nations was indeed due to the membership distrusts among the United States. Not only did the USA not join,but Germany,Austria & Hungary were not allowed to. So it was never an organisation of all nations. The exclusion of the defeated nations in World War I did not make it seem very focused on peace either. Germany resented this,along with the Treaty of Versailles. The fact that the League had been put in charge of running Germany's former colonies did nothing to make it more acceptable to Germany.It was also possible for people to joinand leave the League quite easily.This meant that there was a constant shift of member states. Nations left because they felt the League was not helping them. They also left if the League objected to their actions. So the League had very little control of its member states.

However,there was another reason for the failure of the League of Nations.The League of Nations took over most of Germany's old colonies. It let different member nations govern them under mandates. A mandate was the legal right to govern under the control of the League. The governing countries were not to treat Germany's old colonies as their old colonies. They were to move the countries towards self-government as soon as possible. The League was supposed to make sure this was done. By 1939,none of the areas governed under mandates were self-governing. So countries that had been in favour of the League now turned against it,because they felt it had let them down.

Another factor for the failure of the League of Nations were difficulties in resolving disputes. The League's articles stressed the need for cooperation between nations. It expected nations to accept the League's decisions in disputes. League members could punish other members for not obeying the League by applying sanctions. They could also,in theory,ask members to contribute troops to an international fighting force to go to war to keep the peace. However,they were very unwilling to do so. This became more and more of an issue as authorian regimes wanted to expand their lands by conquest. As they became more certain that the League would not resort to force,they became less willing to listen to the League.

Nicholas Soo_25_3 Charles.

Anonymous said...

The cartoonist view was that america did not join the league of nation which resulted in the failure of the league. America were the ones who set up the league yet they did not join which made european countries blame america.
I do not think this is a fair explanation for the failure of the league. Although america set up the league but did not join, they did not want to be involved with the disputes of the europian continent. As they did not want to be involved, they did not join the league knowing that it could add up to the problems of the america.
Another reason why this is not a fair explanation is due to the fact that the league failed is because key members like France refused to listen to the league when Poland seized Vilna and the league condemned that Poland were to retreat but they did not because they had the support from france. The league failed solely because key members did went against league principal and not because US refusal to join the league.

Darryl Goh 4 3C

The Misanthrope said...

Alloy, I notice you have already submitted your answer. So I assume you no longer need help...

Vincent - I have not seen any submission with your name... Uh did you save a copy of your answer?

The Misanthrope said...

Vincent, there is 1 submission by someone known as BladeOflce - is that yours?

Anonymous said...

Did i submit my essay????? tis is darryl.

Anonymous said...

miss tan.i submitted my answer at abt 7am.i wrote a whole essay and send with anonymous as the identity

Anonymous said...

This is shaun. did you receive my essay? thanks.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that the reason that of not having USA in the League is the reason why the League was a failure. The League was also useless in terms of maintaining world peace. It did not stop conflict between different courtries like Japan and China. The League also failed to disarm its members because there's a WW2.

By : Jeremy Lim(7)

The Misanthrope said...

Oh Vincent, I just saw your submission. No worries...

Anonymous said...

The bridge represents the league of nations. The missing brick represents USA. Without that brick, the bridge is incomplete and unstable and thus very weak. the cartoonist is therefore trying to say that the league was a failure because america refused to join. this is not the only reason that the league of nations was a failure and it was also not a fair explanation as the league of nations was not a failure only because of the fact that USA did not join but it had also failed because other countries did not abide by the leagues decision and went to war instead of solving disputes in a peaceful manner. furthermore, the league also had some successes whereby countries were willing to abide by the leagues decision and maintained world peace. therefore, USA's refusal to join the league of nations was not the only reason why the league of nations was a failure.

Anonymous said...

This is not a fair explanation of the failure of the League Of Nations.
This is because it is not the sole reason that caused the failure of the League. There were also other reasons which caused the League to fail.

The League failed because major powers like USA did not join the League even though it was the USA president at that point of time who created the idea of a League.

The cartoonist drew the bridge to show that the bridge (League), incompleted because of the missing piece (USA) means the USA did not join them and caused the bridge to be severely weakened.

Though it is one of the reasons the League failed, other reasons would be that when League members have disputes, decisions are made to resolve it peacefully. but a few cases like invasion of Manchuria by Japan, the decision was not heeded by Japan and Japan even withdrew from the League. This shows that even members of the League do not abide to its decision, therefore the failure of the League was not just due to USA not part of the League, but other reasons caused it to fail.

Therefore this is not a fair explanation for the failure of League as there were other reasons which caused it too.

Benjimin Chong Hong Yu (1) 3Charles

Anonymous said...

Usa not joining the League of Nation is one of the reasons for failure of the League of Nation.It is because at that time Usa was considered one of the Major powers in the world.Without Usa, the League is very weak.Usa not joining is just one of the reasons of the failure of the league of nations.Besides Usa, there is 2 other country which was not allowed to join or was kicked out.The USSR turned communist and was ostracized.Germany was defeated and thus not allowed to join. Second reasons was because the league lack enforcement power.There was no army,police and could no force members to accept its decision. Third reason is that countries were more interested to protect their interests than to ensure world peace. Last reason was that there was no organizational procedure as there was very few meetings and the voting system of the League requires decisions to be unanimous(for example all members must agree on a particular action before actions can be taken)

Chui Jun Feng(2)

The Misanthrope said...

Jun Feng, I got your submission :)

Anonymous said...

I have a question, am I supposed to post my answer here? I don't see a 'comment' button at the blog, only the '15 comments' button.

Anonymous said...

Wei Qiang 3C

-This is not a fair explanation for the failure of the League of Nations.
-Failure of LON was because it was unable to meet the aims it set.
-Even if America joined the LON, they still might not have been able to meet the aims of meeting the aim, world peace in Vilna, Corfu, Manchuria and Abyssinia.
-LON also failed in the sense that it was unable to make it's members abide by the decisions that the LON made in the Manjuria and Abyssinia where essential items were still sold to Italy even when the LON ruled that they would iimpose sanctions on Italy.
-The failure to make members disarm was also a failure for the LON.

Anonymous said...

I thin that this is a fair explanation of the league of nations as i can see that USA is not apart of the bridge the i think that bridge represent the unity of the nations if there is a missing piece of brick in the bridge the link would be weak thus this shows that the unity between the nations is weak so there might be war due to the weak unity so this picture is a fair explanation of the failure of the league of nation.By dave teoh,29,3c

Anonymous said...

Just checking, did u receive my submission? Im ben btw.

Anonymous said...

The bridge represents the strength of the League of Nations. The missing brick represents America's refusal to join the League. Due to that, the overall strength of the League may be weakened due to America's absence.This is not the only reason for the failure of the League.The cartoon does not provide a fair explanation of the League as it does not show the League's actions.The failure of the League of Nations was caused by the member states which did not abide by the League's rules.This shows that since the League could not control their own members,having America in the League will cause them to carry a heavy burden.

From :
Darius Tan(3) Class : 3C

Anonymous said...

i think that the bridge represents the relationship between the few countries and that the failure of the league of nation is maybe caused by the disharmony between the countries in the league as well as that some major countries did not join the league .... miss tan i m nt sure just guessing hehe :)

Anonymous said...

So Ms Tan.....did my work get through??
Shaun Tay

Anonymous said...

did i submit my essay??? tis is darryl

Anonymous said...

wait where do i put the answers someone help!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is not a fair explaination for the failure of the league of nations. The failure of the league of nations was because its member did not co-operate with the league and did not follow league rulings.
This cartoon also explains the failure of the league of nations. The bridge representing the League has a missing brick. This missing brick according to the cartoonist is the help of the USA. This missing brick has affected the stregth of the bridge causing it to be weak. The cartoonist thus blames the USA for not playing part in the building of the league of nations.
The failure of the league of nations cannot be fully blamed on the USA as the league failed to have all the different countries to work together to allow things such as disarmament to take place and so the cartoon is not a fair explaination for the failure of the league of nations.

Anonymous said...

Hi miss tan did you recieve my answer?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Miss Tan, now this is much better. :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

No, it is not a fair explanation as the USA government wanted people to join the League Of Nations but it ownself also did not join . Thats why it is a failure .

Eugene 3C (6)

Anonymous said...

I think that it is considered a failure for the league of nations as they not only failed to persuade the americans to join the league of nation, they also failed to bring about world peace. In 1923 , an italian general was murdered i greece. Mussolini demanded 50 million lira compensation and the handling over of the killers, and ordered the bombardmnet of the greek sland Corfu . The greek government appealed to the league for help because they did not know who the murderers were. The league suggested that the greece pay the compensation to the league which would be handed back once the murderers have been handed over. However, Mussolini insisted on letting a conference of ambassadors judge the case. Eventually, Mussolini got his way and the conference judged that greece should pay italy what it was demanding. This incident shows that the league was a failure in that it was unable to enforce the decision that it made and the members actually looked for alternative solutions. The failures was also seen in the Manchurian crisis in 1931. When japn invaded manchurian , all the league did was to condemn japan and demanded that japan leave manchuria . However, Japan refused and even withdrew from the league. This was a failure on the part of the league because it was not able to stop aggression as it was supposed to. it was also unable to punish aggressors .Neither was the league able to attain the cooperation of member states as seen in how britain and france were unwilling to support the league in taking action against Japan . Collective security proved to be a dismal failure.

Another one of the leagues failures was disarmament. There were plans in 1925 for the league to organize a world disarmament conference . However , league members failed to agree on this because most were worried that disarmament would leave them vulnerable and weaker that other states . In fact , one of its member state such as germany rearmed itself instead of disarm. Thus one aim of the league , which was moving towards disarmament was not totally successful because there was resistance from member states. So i think this cartoon provides a fair explanation for the league of nations.

Tan Jan Jan Class: 3C Register: 26