This is a follow-up of my previous post on 'What did China fake during the Olympics'. Some Marists have responded by highlighting another fake - the sweet little girl singing during the opening ceremony was merely lip-syncing. So, what happened to the real singer? Well, they told the poor little girl that she was not attractive enough! Thanks Xinhan (not too sure what class you are in) and Jun Xiang (4L) for bringing this up. Anyway here's the now famous photos of the 2 girls.

I thought the real singer is quite cute. She may not be your typical saccharine sweet kind (which I personally DO NOT like), but if you doll her up a little, I'm sure she'll look presentable enough. Even if they DIE, DIE (pardon the Singlish lah) MUST HAVE a sweet little thing up there, then get a sweet little girl with a good enough voice! Don't reject someone and then still exploit her!
What does the vice president of the Beijing Olympic organizing committee has to say to the uproar?
What does the vice president of the Beijing Olympic organizing committee has to say to the uproar?
Wang Wei, vice president of the Beijing Olympic organising committee, said an artistic decision was made by the producers of the ceremony and that he did not believe it was unethical.
"I do not see there is anything wrong with it," he said ~ Channelnewsasia
For those who are not aware, China has inposed a MEDIA BLACKOUT on this whole saga.
I'm from 2D by the way, forgot to leave my class. Thought it was quite sad to see the original singer left out because she was not too cute. Imo, it's already bad enough that they faked the fireworks, now they just have to add on.
Does anyone actually realise that this is just another news by the Americans to cover up for their "punny" amount of gold medals? It came right after the total count for the medals were up. Anyone also notice that no other country bothered to report that news? Moreover, who wouldn't want everything to be perfect? Who has the rights to say that that little girl(voice) do not deserve to get the treatment that she is dealt with? Who can say that the world is fair? Especially since everyone these days are striving for perfection? Who wouldn't want to make everything nice and "cute" for the world? Especially since its the first time China is hosting the Olympics of course they would want to make it "picture perfect" to show the world what they are made of. Nothing in this world is fair and well all I could say is that why bother with other people's business when the victim herself don't bother or at least did into the matter? Who gave the Americans the right to embarrass the little girl? If no one went to investigate, the little girl would not only be a "un-seen hero" of China, she would also be saved of ALOT of media attention which i suppose no one likes. In addition, I bet that the people who know of this matter would tell the little girl(voice) that even if she is not seen, at least she is heard and she should be proud of it.
In my own conclusion, I believe that it is not China's fault for wanting everything to be perfect. And if so, whats wrong with that? Moreover its a domestic matter which only concerns 2 little girls. There are more important news that could have been posted which could at least benefited mankind and our survival in our dying world. Things like global warming etc. All these are far more important than whether a little girl was lip-syncing her songs. Not like it would affect anybody in anyway physical. Also, after this opening parade, who would bother remembering it? No one. However if compared to global warming and such matters, the effect is permanent. And thus this article is just a useless attempt by the Americans to cover up their failure to beat other countries just to prove their "might" and to push all the blame to the hosting country that is China.
I was never a fan of TV, so didn't really pay much attention to the much anticipated Olympics. However, I find this saga of switching singers is actually really bad, even if this proved to be a "successful" measure just to make the Olympics more lively.
But look at the consequences, I guess the next generation of China would slowly turn into a "cheat and win" nation, fooling everyone in every situation they appear in. I think this kind of deception would slowly become somewhat a habit for China, and that might slowly lead to downfall thanks to even this small hint of cheating(I won't say this switch of singers being a cheat, but it surely has the same essence and purpose).
Maybe slowly, life in the future for China becomes a deceptive one. (Oh yes besides this singer booboo did you know that they actually used computer graphics to mask the fireworks of the opening?)
Jason Lim Kian Hui 4G
I'm from 4I by the way, not 4L! =p
Anyway, I think that this "singer" issue really has two different sides and... it's really hard to judge whether China was right or wrong.
But to rebut Justin Yap a little, perezhilton is a gossip website. The guy doesn't do the more important issues i.e Global Warming, etc.
But still, I was not really happy with the lip-synching. Isn't this as pathetic and sorrowful as how the media now readily rejects people who "can't make it" due to appearances? For example, a budding singer who may look average with a beautiful voice will be rejected because he/she isn't "beautiful" enough.
I thought China wasn't as Hollywood-ized but it appears that it's moving towards that direction now...
I understand that China wants the PERFECT opening ceremony for the Olympics, thus the switch of singers, but hey, the original singer wasn't even credited!
And the singers aren't the only lies in the ceremony; I'm sure we have all heard of the fake fireworks etc... I mean, what else can we expect now? That the drummers are not really hitting, but the music was played from speakers? I know I'm being far-fetched but I hope you get my idea.
Whatever reasons they have, I think China were still wrong because they...
1)did not even credit the original singer
2)said that what they did "wasn't unethical"... c'mon they're such big liars already, surely they could tell one more lie that's actually politically correct?
3)showed us the perfect example of doing things the extreme way to get something "perfect". I think at the end of the day, the lies made the opening ceremony so much more imperfect that it could have been.
In response to JYap's comments,
1st, you said that "it is not China's fault for wanting everything to be perfect". I agree. HOWEVER if they truly want perfection, then find a sweet girl with a sweet voice rather than a sweet girl without a sweet voice! Hence the end result (sweet girl without sweet voice) is nowhere near perfection. Sweet girl with another girl's sweet voice is even worse.
2nd, you said that "no other country bothered to report that news". I have to point out that you're wrong. In fact, Channelnewsasia reported it - if you had read my post carefully enough, I did provide a link to a Channelnewsasia report.
3rd, you mentioned that "here are more important news that could have been posted". Heh the last I checked, most US newspapers still post important news. They did not just publish the story of the fake Olympic singer. But this piece of news happens to catch people's attention more and thus people are discussing it more. Hence it is not that the media (US or others) doesn't focus on other aspects of the Olympics.
Like you, I did wonder if the rejected girl might be embarrassed by all the media attention. But so far those articles (at least those I've read) did not put her in a negative light. If you are talking about potential psychological trauma of being rejected, I think the trauma was inflicted at that point of rejection.
As to your point on how this was "a useless attempt by the Americans to cover up their failure to beat other countries", your guess is as good as mine :)
Responding to Jason,
I hope China would not go the path you describe :) Also I blogged about the fake fireworks a couple of days back. But the use of computer graphics to fake the fireworks didn't upset me as much as this fake singer case...
Guess I ain't the most welcomed here am I? Anyway, just to say a little about what Pensive wrote, I remembered somewhere that the change of little girls was last minute. So I didn't think that they had the luxury of time to scout for a perfect little girl to replace the not-so-perfect other girl.
To the point that if she was embarrassed, I think that if you get so much unwanted attention, I'll bet that you wouldn't like it either would you?
Don't know why but its like almost everyone thinks that Amercian ways of handling stuffs are the righteous way. Maybe its cause of media influence? Just saying. Not trying to prove anything. >_<"
JYap, what makes you say that you aren't welcomed? Even if some of us don't agree with you, it doesn't mean you aren't welcome! We are all entitled to our opinions, and so are you.
I thought it's great that there's a variety of opinions expressed. In fact, it'll be really boring if everyone agrees with everyone on every post in this blog!
I responded to your comments because I wanted to defend my stand; not because I don't welcome you... It's not personal lah. And seriously, I'm happy to see people have views of their own rather than have no opinion about everything! So I hope to see you continue giving your views. And hey, if you want to contribute a post to the blog, just inform 1 of the HuManiacs!
Oh and to add on to the post, China has also "faked" a 3rd segment of the Olympics opening. With the fault of the tribal scandal of course.
More details could be found here:
Jason Lim Kian Hui, 4G
Muahaha That's so heart-warming. Anyway, Did anybody know that China has 30 gold and America 20?
Jason, thanks for the info :)
JYap, I'm not too sure how many gold China has gotten. Heh they've gotten 1 more tonight - table tennis. The Chinese team was really good. Whatever it is, I'm still proud of Team Singapore! They have given their best!
Well, here is something else.
"What began as whispers among the media and gymnastics insiders weeks ago about the ages of three of China's female Olympic gymnasts -- Jiang Yuyuan, Yang Yilin and He Kexin -- has grown into ear-shattering, head-hurting shouts. Despite assurances by Chinese officials that all three are 16, the minimum age of eligibility for Olympic competition, newly discovered documents and records prove otherwise."
the whole thing is here:
Read the article.
Alright, so whats the big deal here. If a 14 year old is able to beat much older contestants, shouldn't she be allowed to keep the medal? Well, No.
2 years makes a hell of a difference, at the age of 14 some have not hit puberty yet, and even if they have, they still haven't had stuff grow and drop most of the time, and that stuff does get in the way when trying to flip flop around. Due to their age they actually have a competitive edge over their 20 year old opponents. They are lighter and smaller.And that's basically just perfect for a gymnast.
- Ernest 4K
Well since we are on the topic of controversy, here is something mind boggling to watch.
It talks about the "Truth" behind religion, twin towers, depression and more. And it's really interesting. I watching about 10 minutes of it due to boredom and now I can't stop watching it. Its quite old though.
- Ernest 4K
( Might want to make a separate post for this rather than accepting this comment. )
Yeah, go Singapore! We can own Malaysia with one more bronze! I hope../:
This is really bad for china to do! No brainers! They care so much about how the world sees them but showed an unethical side to the world. Really dun know what in the world is their prob!
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