1. Those who don't bother to think or read up and believe everything, all of the lock, stock and barrel that their teachers tell them.
2. Those who think too much and become cynical towards all mankind
We need a perfect balance. Alas, does such an individual exist?
The problem in our school is that the majority of Marists fall into the first category! It is now time to stand up to THINK for yourself!

But even if we think for ourselves we can say what we think so what for ?
How can one think when there are OB markers? How can Copernicus and Galileo formulate ideas that suggests the world is round when the prevailing "truth" the world is flat cannot be questioned?
When one is prepared to think, one must be prepared to question. Everything. Debate. Argue. Convince. It is a lengthy process- Singaporeans cant afford the time, nor the energy. Inertia is too great.
While it is true that there are restrictions in the freedom of speech, that by itself is not a good enough excuse NOT to think.
Go ahead and THINK but watch what you SAY. Cos if there is total freedom in speech, then innocent persons may be harmed through vicious slander.
It is all a matter of a balance?
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