Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hey you! Yes you! You are not a mere mortal... You are a LESSER mortal!

Those of you following the news would probably have known about how the Permanent Secretary of the Minister of Environment took a 5-weeks leave to take a holiday to attend a culinary course in France with his family. It is belived that they spent at least $45,o00 on the holiday. He has been reprimanded for publicizing his expensive vacation at a time when the country is suffering from a recession.

While Singaporeans are still talking about this episode of indiscretion as you may call it, a PAP MP, Charles Chong, responded by saying that the rebuke of the Perm Sec was rather harsh and went on to say that, "Maybe it [the Permanent Secretary's expensive vacation] made lesser mortals envious".

I used to think I am a mere peasant; a mere mortal... But I guess I was wrong... I am less than a mere mortal... I am a LESSER MORTAL :(

Hmm... why are lesser mortals like me envious of elites like the ministers? Perhaps it is because I am not as highly paid as the Permanent Secretary and the Ministers. By some Singaporeans' standards, I, a lesser mortal, am paid lesser than peanuts.


Anonymous said...

well, a lesser mortal can't be paid penuts, can't they? Otherwise they won't be called "Lesser Mortals"
Gotta love this blog. Beats reading the newspaper everymorning.

The Misanthrope said...

Thanks BK :)

Anonymous said...

This fellow better have a public apology ready else theres gonna be alot of blood on his hands. He has the audacity of calling Singaporeans 'lesser mortals'. If it ain't for our vote he won't be sitting comfortably at home knowing he has a hefty paycheck every month.

Makes me wonder what kind of MPs are running the PAP.
So irresponsible with his speech...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... Paid lesser than peanuts. I am sure that man regreted whathe said about us being lesser than mortals. Haha.